Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When you read you begin with ABC, when you blog you begin with...?

  So here I am, still awake at 2am, post-Valentine's Day pandemonium at Sensi (my puppies are barking!!), beginning this blog. A friend convinced me to to start this a few months back and I finally stopped procrasterbating today.  I got a surge of energy when I saw all of the excited responses to the tilapia I posted up on Facebook.  It looks like some people want to see what it is that I'm cooking and how I'm cooking it!  Who knew? 

   As an amateur cook I tend to occasionally follow recipes to the T, often morph recipes into my own, and, as of late, create recipes off the top of my head.

  I'm not 100% sure yet how this space is going to flow, but you can be sure that I will be sharing recipes, photos, and thoughts on food I've made and maybe even good food someone else has made for me.  I think I'll start with 2 recipes per week with wiggle room. 

  So stay tuned if you would like a virtual window into my kitchen... and then come over and eat!

P.S. A cookie for anyone who can pick out my intentional misspelling =P

1 comment:

  1. You owe me a cookie, Baby Girl!!! Procrasturbating!!??? The blog is great! Very knowledgeaqble; good pictures; good mention of your Mom at your chili recipe. How about doing one about Jag. You are good at that. The people at UR loved it! Keep up the great blog---We can't wait to read again. P.S. You should be sleeping at 2:00 in the morning.
